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How is Englishplus different?

I teach English in a relaxed and personalised way – either as one-to-one individual ‘crash courses’ or in small groups - up to a maximum of 4 people. This way I can ensure that my student gets a chance to practice speaking as much as possible – the only way to boost one’s confidence! From 2018 I offer morning workshops of 3-hour length, which for one week deal with the topic surrounding climate change and related environmental issues, alternating with one week titled 'Life in the UK', exploring similarities or differences between the learner's country and the UK.  We will be looking at various texts, TV programmes, news reports etc., analyse what we watch, hear or read and get debating. This way everybody can really get to grips with the language - plenty to discuss, agree or disagree - all the things you need to improve your general English conversation skills!


You are in business and want to expand internationally?  You’ve come to the right place. With a background in media & PR, and having worked in tourism, education, the arts and general commercial sector, I can help you with your English website copy, or help you find that dream job abroad.  Whether it’s writing a glowing CV, a punchy letter of application or helping with the job search in general, whether it’s looking at your enterprise and your business goals to creating a holistic corporate identity that’ll make you stand out from an international crowd, or whether you need to prepare for study in an English-speaking country and just want to get the low-down on some cultural “do’s and don’ts” – I’ve got it covered. 

10 good reasons why you should learn English with Englishplus:

1. Get more through individualised lessons tailored to you

2. Homestay - live with your tutor and enjoy everyday contact and activities - only limited availability this year!!
3. Teacher with a diverse work background
4. Practical learning sessions
5. Walk and Talk in pristine nature

6. Immerse yourself in the English culture!

7.  Add a printmaking session and get creative (week-long printmaking by hand courses from 2025) 

8. Your teacher speaks German - a perfect safety net for German speakers.

9. Unique location with stunning beaches and coastline!

10. English language holidays in St Ives Bay - it's a bucket list thing to do!

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